Using the Garden Planner to Plan a Vegetable Garden

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The Garden Planner is web-based software that puts the information you need at your fingertips while planning a productive garden. A comprehensive selection of vegetables, fruit, herbs and companion planting flowers are available complete with Grow Guides. It’s easy to sketch out your garden area, add objects such as raised beds and compost bins and rearrange items for the perfect layout.

As plants are added, the Garden Planner automatically spaces them correctly, calculating how many will fit into each space. By using data from local weather stations, the best planting dates for your local area are shown and the system can send you email reminders of what to plant through the season. You can allocate plants to be in the ground during different months and view how your garden changes, making it easy to organize succession planting.

When planning the next season’s garden, the system copies the layout, remembering where plants were in previous years and advising where to place them based on the principles of crop rotation.

In this video we present a quick overview of the Garden Planner features and show how it can save you time and money when planning your perfect vegetable, herb and fruit garden.

Our online Garden Planner is available from several major websites and seed suppliers:
and many more…

Author: gardenrz_348d2d

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