Starting Needle Palms from Seed Part one | The Barefooted Gardener

Needle Palms (Rhapidophyllum hystrix) are fantastic hardy evergreen palm that, although previously listed hardy to zone 7A, now you’ll occasionally see (reliable sources) listing them to zone 6a, once they’re established. They do require hot summers to get hardiness.
All of that said they are slow growing plants and that will make them expensive. Not to mention that they also are difficult, in some sense, to start from seed. The seed is pretty fragile and so you can crush the seed while cleaning the husk off. This is gonna be part one where are you don’t get to see any of the plants germinating, it’s just the planting and some base information about needle palms. I’ll keep you guys posted for when they sprout. It could be around a five year process before they are big enough to plant in the ground; Even after you plant them in the ground, unless you get a lot of snow, they will need protection their first couple winters.

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Author: gardenrz_348d2d

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